how to go plant-based on a budget

How To Go Plant-Based On A Budget With Texas Herbivore Destiny DeJesus

Have you ever thought about adopting a plant-based diet? You may have a lot of questions about veganism. Or maybe you’re like me, an old timer vegan who still feels lost in the kitchen. Destiny, creator of Eat Yo Destiny, is here to show us how to eat in a way that helps our bodies thrive, the planet heal, and protects animals from harm. A tiny house livin’ vegan in Texas, she highlights how to make plant-based eating affordable by sharing her best money saving tips for the grocery store and beyond.

In episode #74 of the Unruly Podcast, Destiny reveals how to transition from eating animals to a plant-based diet (even if you travel often), her healthy and easy go-to meals, a fool-proof recipe for crispy tofu, the reality of buying and living in a tiny house, and why food pantries are for everyone.

Additionally, we answer questions from our listeners like:

Does going raw vegan really make your period cramps go away?

Have you ever accidentally eaten something that wasn’t vegan?

How does Scotty like VDog? 🐶


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Tune in to the Unruly Travel & Alternative Living Podcast for epic adventures, exceptional storytelling, and practical ways to kickstart your adventures, regardless of income.

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