I’m so thrilled to share this step-by-step guide on how to create your own tomato cages out of resources that you have at home or may find somewhere else! As mentioned in the video, this is just some inspiration to get your creatives juices flowing and offer ideas as to how you can create your own. This video is #2 in a series of videos that are an introduction to basic vegan homesteading. In the videos we will be exploring ideas of no or low till gardening, living in harmony with nature, and natural building.

You can watch the first video, on how to create a no or low-till garden bed here.

I am not an expert on these topics by any means, but am learning as a beginner and sharing this information in a way that hopefully other beginners can understand! I am so thankful to have someone who has practiced and played with gardening and these other ideas for years leading me through this series and sharing valuable planty wisdom.

If you decided to give this method a try, let us know how it went by submitting a comment below!