How To Create A No Or Low-Till Garden Bed

This is the first video of many for a new series that I am teaming up with an experienced gardener and vegan homesteader to create. With the increased rate of interest and attempts into gardening lately, we thought it could be helpful to make some videos on low-impact gardening, living in harmony with nature, off-grid living, and natural building.

We hope to help you grown your own food and inspire you to find ways to live outside of the cash economy. Let’s empower and support ourselves, each other, and our communities! This first video covers the very basics on how to create a no or low-till garden bed with no animal products necessary. Please share these free and helpful resources with each other!

Have you tried this method before? How did it work for you? Give us your tips with a comment below!

You can watch our second video here on how to create home-made tomato cages out of bamboo (or other local resources that you already have!).