


Welcome to the Unruly Travel & Living store. Here you’ll find paperbacks and eBooks that make travel more accessible, colorful, and ethical, regardless of previous travel experience. The Art of Unruly Travel on a Budget is Calen’s signature budget travel guide to the USA and beyond.

Here’s what people are saying about it:

 “Of all the travel guides I’ve looked at this is the only one I have ever read from cover to cover and was sad to see it end. This guide is full of fascinating true stories, tips I hadn’t thought of before, and gorgeous photos, as well as many helpful hints and resources. I am inspired to travel, meet new friends, and see the beautiful U.S. on a budget after reading. This book is brilliantly written from the heart.”

Kim Beller

“Very well written; clear, concise, great layout. Calen Otto draws the reader into their own journey and your future journey simultaneously. Born to be a classic.”

Tom Becker

“The Art of Unruly Travel is a must have book for any budget traveler! I read this book cover to cover when it first came out as an e-book. I now keep the paper back in my RV as a handy reference. Many great stories and helpful ideas on some fetching you dollars while traveling. I did an RV trip across country in early 2021 and wish I’d had this book back then. Calen has lots of experience and ideas on budget travel coming from personal experience that I’m sure you will value.”

Bill Obert